This is Huckleberry the dog.
As you can see, he’s hanging out on the roof, but don’t be alarmed!According to his humans, he really just likes it up there.
But it’s naturally a little alarming to drive by and see that, so his humans had to put up a sign explaining the situation.
“Huckleberry is living up to his name and learned how to jump onto our roof from the backyard,” the sign reads. “We never leave him in the backyard without someone being at home. He will not jump off unless you entice him with food or a ball!”
“We appreciate your concern but please do not knock on our door… we know he’s up there! But please feel free to take pictures of him and share with the world! #hucktheroofdog.”
When someone shared Huckleberry’s sign to Reddit, other people began sharing stories of dogs they knew that also had a thing for roofs.
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