Friday, 16 September 2016

Kid Woke Up From Wisdom Teeth Surgery Saying He Loves His Dog Over His Mom

If youve ever had surgery performed on your wisdom teeth, you know how delirious the anesthetics can make you.

Remember the girl that told her mom she couldnt stop choking on penis? Yeah, painkillers are weird.

One 17-year-old kid from Texas found this out the hard way when he suddenly panicked afterthe car ride home from his dental surgery.

No, it wasnt because his mom hit a speed bump while traveling at a high speed. It was simply because he was faced with a dilemma that didnt even exist.

Gabe Rodriguezs own brain confronted him with a huge non-existent problem whether to save his mom or dog if they were both dangling off the edge of a cliff.

The best part? The entire ordeal was captured on camera to remind us about the harsh aftereffects of pain-soothinganesthetics.

The video starts off immediately with Gabe crying like a baby, which prompted his mom Millie to take her phone out and record the gold.

Gabe can be heard sobbing while saying,

Hes such a nice dog.

The kid is clearly referring to his pup named Lincoln. Gabe can hardly get his words out as he cries about the fake death of his dog.

Thats when his mom says,

I dont think you need to worry about Lincoln dying right now. Are you going to be OK? You love Lincoln dont you?

That last question is what yanked the scary truth right out of Gabe.

He immediately responds,

Maybe more than you Its up for grabs.

The (legally) drugged-out kid then goes into detail about why he would save his dog and not the woman who literally birthed him and allowed him to even have wisdom teeth in the first place.

I guess its safe to say a wisdom teeth surgery feels a lot like losing a loved one (that you secretly love more than your mom)? It sure seems that way, Gabe.

Check out the hilarious video above for a closer look!

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