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Sammy the five-year-old mutt was out on a late-night stroll with her owner when they passed her favorite pet store. Being the stubborn pooch she is, Sammy refused to believe her human when she said the store was closed.
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There’s all types of jokes in movies and films about animals jumping out of the windows to their inevitable demise, but I bet you never expected it to play out in real life!
This poor little dog is dangling off a Columbian high-rise, unable to pull itself back up to the balcony it was dangling from with people all around becoming increasingly worried for it’s life. The downstairs neighbors attempted to push the dog back up with a broom and quickly realized it wouldn’t work – that’s when the man in yellow makes his appearance.
It’s a miracle this dog manages to keep it’s life after this ordeal, and the fact that the guy risked his own life to save it shows the selfless capabilities of others.
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It’s certainly not anyone’s favorite part of having a baby but as the popular children’s book says, “everybody poops.” Babies who haven’t mastered the art of potty training don’t have much control over where and when it happens, which is one major component to the comedy of this video.
Mom was just filming an adorable scene between her two darlings, her young son and her sleepy dog. Despite getting plenty of attention, this lazy bones just can’t seem to get up enough energy to do more than raise his eyebrows. That is until the baby does something the dog just doesn’t feel like dealing with today.
It’s not just the dog’s reaction to the baby pooping that has everybody laughing. It’s what happens immediately after that really turns the hilarity up a notch. Turns out the dog was acting as a support for the child and when he bolts, the baby flops over like he’s some kind of cartoon character or slapstick comedian.
Be sure to SHARE this funny video with your friends and family!
H/T: Kyoot Kids
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This isn’t to say that there aren’t prisoners who need to remain behind bars for violent offenses, but many people who are put away just need structure and a little help to become productive members of society. That’s why I love the following program so much.
Marley’s Mutts Pawsitive Change Prison Program aims to rehabilitate both inmates and at-risk shelter dogs by pairing them for 14 weeks of intense training, coursework, and bonding. Not only does it help prisoners learn valuable team skills, but it also helps dogs become less aggressive and more trusting of people, increasing their chances of being adopted.
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As calm and cuddly as our dogs may be when they’re pent up in the house, all composure disappears when it’s time for a walk. I can count on maybe one hand the number of times I’ve taken my dog for a walk and not been dragged through the dirt like an unruly game of follow the leader.
Dogs pulling on their leash can prove to be both dangerous to you and your pup. Luckily, the team at Good Doggies has developed seven tricks to stop your dog from leash-pulling.
Most dogs typically go crazy when you so much as touch the leash. This increase in energy can extend into your walk. Try calming your pup down before strapping on the leash and opening the door.
Practice walking techniques in your backyard before hitting the streets. They will then likely carry over the good behavior into their public walks.
I completely understand if you don’t have the time to train your dog how to properly walk on a leash, and luckily, there’s an invention for that! No-pull harnesses are perfect because they provide all the comforts of a leash without the trouble of worrying about your dog harming themselves by pulling too hard.
For those of us that have a bit more time on their hands, there’s no easier method than simply putting your foot down and stopping the walk every time your dog decides to pull on the leash. When he or she finally gives up on trying to dominate the walk, give them positive acknowledgement and continue.
When your dog decides they want to pull, regain control by changing directions. This will totally catch them off-guard and make them think twice before disobeying.
Have you ever noticed how your dog is less likely to pull toward the end of your walk? This is caused by fatigue. Rigorous play with your pooch before a walk will wear them down enough so that they won’t pull on the leash as often, or at all.
Training your dog is all about rewarding them. Positive behaviors should be rewarded with a treat, which makes them want to repeat the action. The reward for a dog in pulling the leash is they get to their desired outcome that much faster. You might not have thought of it this way before, but letting them sniff a mailbox or a tree can count as a reward. Eliminating this reward and interrupting the behavior/reward system will quickly make your dog reconsider their actions.
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She’s been called hideous her whole life, but this teen’s response is the last thing I expected! So powerful.
If your child looked like this, would you have the courage to call each spot an angel kiss?
Ciera Swaringens mother did. The now 19-year-old girl was born with giant congenital melanocytic nevus, a noncancerous skin condition affecting only 1 in 20,000 newborns, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
“I remember when I started school my mom told me that my birthmarks were angel kissesand that really stuck with me, Ciera told The Mirror, and my dad is the first person to stand up to defend me if anyone says anything horrible to me.
She was cruelly taunted as a child about her mole-clad exterior, accounting for nearly three-quarters of her body, which is anticipated to spread even more over time. In response to the ridicule, Ciera has championed an inspiring attitude that she attributes to the unfailing support of her family and small-town community.
Im so proud to be different, and at the end of the day, we all have something about us thats unusual, whether its on the inside or the outside, she expressed to The Mirror. Everyone is born to look different, and we should all feel beautiful in our own skin.
While classmates called her dirty or spotty dog, it is her mothers words of wisdom and her fathers promises of protection that have stuck with her and overruled the criticism, even into her early adult years. In a culture where teens are easily influenced by the opinions of their peers, its refreshing to hear a real-life testimony of Proverbs 22:6: Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Normally, we reflect on the more tangible aspect of this verse as it relates to behavior, but it can be equally applicable in the ways that parents influence belief through instilling the identity, character and attitude that carries their children into adulthood. In Cieras case, she was trained early on to be resolute in her uniqueness, to walk with a confident poise that proclaims to the world I am unapologetically me, and to see socially-scarring birthmarks as kisses from an angel. What her mother may have intended to be mere encouragement turned into a mantra for her daughters life that boldly declared beauty in a world that tried to mark her as beast.
While its relatively easy for parents to see the best in their children, its harder for the world and even harder for that little boy or girl with the large nose, the learning disability or the not-so-Cosmo complexion to see his/her oddity or eccentricity as beauty.
So my charge to you, Mom and Dad, is to never underestimate the positive power of your words, for Ciera is living proof that they can short-circuit those of the world and empower your children to believe the best in themselvesand more importantly, to see themselves as Christ sees them: pure, blameless and beautiful.
Call the one who hides behind your leg brave, the one with ADHD smart and the scrawny one strong. We serve a God who calls that what is not as though it is (Romans 4:17), so dont limit yourself in how you proclaim life over your children.
After all, if you call the kid in glasses Clark Kent before his classmates call him four eyes, he has a way better shot at becoming Superman
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This is especially true if the game in question has anything to do with objects that they can fetch. Whenever I take my dogs to the park and bring a ball, they practically knock me over while jumping up and trying to grab it out of my hand. At least I’m able to keep standing, though — unlike this poor kid.
While enjoying a nice family game of baseball, this little boy pulled off an awesome hit and began running around the bases as fast as he could. But as he was about to reach home plate, his pup sprinted toward him like a bat out of hell.
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Britney Spears
is us.
The 34-year-old was at it again messing around with her two sons Sean Preston, 10, and Jaden James, 9, on Wednesday when she posted a hilarious video of her freaking out after the dog ate all the cheese.
Relatable, right?!
Just one question… is cheese part of her diet for those rock hard abs?? Sign us up!
Related: Kevin Federline Opens Up About His Blended Celeb Family!
In the funny clip, the Work B*tch songstress is heard saying:
“I’m so sad. The dog ate my cheese. It’s not fair!”
Right there with ya, sista!
Watch it for yourself (below)!
When your damn dog eats all the cheese A video posted by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on Apr 20, 2016 at 2:12pm PDT
Don’t act like you wouldn’t do the same!
[Image via Instagram.]
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That sounds harsh, but the reason why isn’t because they want to rob us of companionship. As it turns out, those precious, squishy faces we all know and love are doing pooches more harm than good.
Because of genetic bottlenecking (which we’ll get to in a second), purebred gene pools are teeming with defects and mutations that actually cause our four-legged friends pain. And you know where pain leads? Right to the vet’s office, which eventually sends dog owners on the fast track to financial strain.
For that reason, organizations like the British Veterinary Association fear the worst for breeds like English bulldogs, pugs, and Frenchies. Their respective genetic mutations could very well lead to a rise in abandonment due to financial burden.
Here’s a fun fact about purebred dogs. The breeding phenomenon as we know it today didn’t really exist until about 100 years ago, and creepily enough, it developed alongside eugenics. Pretty telling, right? By artificially limiting canine gene pools and forcing dogs to meet arbitrary breed standards, humans went ahead and created a population bottleneck.
We’ve turned them into what vets call “brachycephalic breeds,” which means that the vast majority of these dogs deal with respiratory and eyesight problems from a relatively young age. Speaking of age, such breeding has also cut their average lifespans alarmingly short.
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Not only do they whip out their claws and sink them into me whenever they feel like it, but they love taking their frustrations out on my poor, innocent dogs. Even though they’re the best of friends, my kitties always have to make it clear who’s really in charge.
The cats below feel the same need, too, because they can’t stop themselves from being complete jerks to the dogs they share homes with.
(via BoredPanda)
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