Monday 28 November 2016

Boys Loyal Dog Refused TO Let Him Go Into Surgery Alone

Mahe the dog and James the bay are inseparable. When James had to stay in a hospital bed, Mahe wanted to be right there with him.

James is 9 and is autistic. The black lab keeps James calm, as well as safe. He curls right up with Mahe and feels at complete ease. Otherwise James often flinches at not just human touch but human eye contact as well.

James had to have an MRI done due to his seizures. His mom worried about the experience and how James would do. But then she was completely relieved when it turned out that Mahe was allowed to be with James right in the hospital bed!

Mahe watched right over James as he was put under.

Mahe was very patient and concerned, never leaving the boys side.

Mahe has truly improved the life of the Isaac family. It was two years ago when they got him and ever since their son has turned into a much calmer child.

He has also improved the safety concerns for James. While outside the two are attached to one another. If the boy runs off or begins walking towards the road, the dog will sit down, preventing James from going into harms way.

Wendy Isaacs is from The Assistance Dogs New Zealand Trust and she actually trained Mahe for his duties with James. She emphasizes the importance that pairing up a dog with an autistic child has:

“There is such a magic that happens between a child with autism and the dogs, they just calm the kids down. The kids will maintain eye contact with the dog, but often not with their own parents and siblings.”

The dog will also be helping with James seizures if they do continue to persist. The dog will be able to pick up on the early warning signs that James is about to go into a seizure, and he will then bark to alert the parents of what is about to happen.

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