Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Dog Hides An Entire Sandwich In His Mouth

A lot of us learn the hard way – dogs will eat just about anything. When they’re puppies, they find out what’s edible by, well, eating it. Shoes, rugs, rocks, underwear and anything else they can get their teeth on gets tested, both out of curiosity and as a way to soothe their aching gums. While their permanent teeth should be present at about eight months of age, it often takes much longer to break them of their chewing habits. There’s no cure-all solution, but keeping the house picked up and a variety of bones and toys on hand goes a long way.

However, some dogs just aren’t satiated by even the fanciest treats or squeakiest toys. What they really want is whatever you have, especially when it comes to food. When the dog in this video was left alone with an entire sandwich, the temptation was too much. Whether he was feeling too guilty to actually eat it or was “holding” it for safekeeping, we’ll never know. 

Read more: http://www.wimp.com/

The post Dog Hides An Entire Sandwich In His Mouth appeared first on DogVirals.com - Funny Dog Pics & Videos.

source http://www.dogvirals.com/dog-hides-an-entire-sandwich-in-his-mouth/

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